This information was sent to me by Linda Viel

The following is a letter to my grandmother Callie L. Shoun (daughter of  Samuel E. Shoun) in Johnson County, TN.  She
married William D. Eggers.  The spelling is like it is in the letter.  Proper names are in capitals for recognition.
Added text is in brackets [   ].    Typed by Linda Viel  -  

Johnson City, Tenn.
June 28  1914

Dear Cousin CALLIE,
        I do feel ashamed that I have neglected so long to answer your dear good letter received so long ago.
        You must write me and tell me about your baby, what you have named it, and how it looks & etc.

[page 2]
We have 4 girls boarding with us now;  don’t you know I most melt these days, but I don’t mind the work so much, if ever
thing didn’t cost so much, have to give 25 cents for a little  gal. of green beans, and them not much good.  25 & 30 cents
for butter that is strong enough to walk.  Dew berries 25 cents per gal.  rasberberies 50 cents, cherries 30 and 40.
little bit of apples green & hard .25 peck.  and on account of the drought vegatbles are scarce and high.  We would have
had plenty of every thing in the garden if the dry weather,  I have had two little messes of beans & a few heads cabbage
some beets, but most of my bunch beans died and the replant looks like they are most dead.  

[page 3]
cucumbers look today as the they were done for, a cow got in our bean patch and never left a stalk of corn as bean.  But
FLORENCE writes me the dry weather is hurting gardens up there too.
I guess you are having a “big” time today, how I wish I was with you.

[page 4]
You must tell all about the meeting, ever body that was there, &c. &c.  What has become of Cousin DOROTHY?  I have never
had but one letter from her since I have been here.
        GRANDMA is over at BOB’s today, so is JOHN WEBSTER.  GRANDMA is going up to ETTA’s the last of this week.

[page 5]
TISHIA is going too I think  WEBSTER is sight sick today.  I think it is the heat, it is so intensely hot here  even the
air burns one.  NAT is getting along nicely in school,  BURNIE & PAUL is driving teams, JOHN WE. is still going to school,
he did not pass at the close of the Spring term so he had to go 6 weeks longer to pass.  HAZEL is doing - - well, as near
nothing as she possible can she says it is too hot to work.
Have you a good S.S. and preaching?  I have never been to S.S. since Xmas, nor preaching only at night either.  as I can’t
get ready and get my dinner.

[page 6]
I wish I could run in and see you  I know now where I missed the best part of my life - in not visiting my near neigbors
more.  what is NANNIE doing?   I am so sorry MRS. HAWKINS is not satisfied with her home.   I’ll swap back with her if she
wants too.
Give every body my love that loves me.  and I guess you can count them on your fingers   Give the children my love and
lots for your self.  
Write soon  Your friend  ELIZA SHOUN

[on side of page 1]
IRA SHOUN and a MISS PAYNE was married yesterday - Sun.  [27 June 1914]