Family Pictures and Links

Pictures of Family and Friends

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My Dad's other Callie Eggers Lily Bruce Jordan Satellite image
My dad's mother Callie Shoun Eggers lying in state at the homeplace in Doe Valley My mom's mother Lily Bruce Jordan is on the far right in the front row (if you know who the others are please let me know) Satellite picture of the farm with approximate property lines
Charlotte in style Lillianne and Samantha
Charlotte in Style Lillianne and Samantha Everybody on the stairs at Nancy's house for Christmas.
Everybody on the front porch. Looks lonesome with everyone gone. Where did everybody go?
Weeks and Larry Wading in Doe Creek Wading in Doe Creek
Isaac and KD on the porch swing Isaac, KD and Cameron on the swing The Homeplace
Grandpa Rindt and Charlotte Rindt, Winter 1998 Elizabeth and Micheal Hocking with Isaac, September 1997 Noah Spruell in Ohio, Spring 1998
1997 Rindt Reunion at Twin Pines Thanksgiving 1997 Philip, Elaine, Opal, Bill, Weeks, Jean, Isaac on Roan Mountain, May 1999
Philip, Elaine, Isaac, Bill on Roan Mountain, May 1999 Elaine, Opal, Isaac on Roan Mountain, May 1999 Bill, Opal and Jeannie, circa 1948

G G Grandfather Abner's Home Abner and Lucinda
My Great Great Grandfather Abner Eggers' home (This picture was sent to me by Cindy Lowe). Abner and Lucinda Eggers, click here for a large (261K) version of this picture. (This picture was sent to me by Cindy Lowe).

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